

Wrapping up the Artome Year 2022

Picture of Artome team and visitors in the international event in ISE Barcelona.

Vuosi lähenee loppuaan ja Artomelle vuosi 2022 onkin ollut menestyksekäs. Kuluneen vuoden aikana Artome on edustanut eri tapahtumissa niin Suomessa kuin ulkomaillakin. Tapahtumat ja messut ovat palauttaneet virkistävät kohtaamiset kasvotusten Koronapandemian jälkeen.  Toukokuussa Artome herätti suurta huomiota kansainvälisillä Integrated Systems…

Presentation technology -terrifying or terrific?

Picture about Artome's account manager Janne Bordi.

Just under ten years ago, I went as a freshly graduated fitness coach to give a lecture to the fitness runners of the adult division of the local athletics club. Once I got there, the punt was really whining. Especially when the instruction for the use of the space's presentation technology was something like "Senkun töktakat piuha's laptop..." And that's how easy it would have been, but...

Ease the Sales

Close up picture about the audiovisual solution Artome M10

For most people, the words sales and ease do not fit in the same sentence. Of course, you always have to work for sales, but when you, as a seller, believe in your own product 110 percent, it is easy to convince buyers as well. I'll tell you a secret: As a seller of Artome products, I myself have been able to experience...

The need for the big picture

Picture about Artome's founder Toni Parikka.

Since 2004, I have gotten to know the impact of digitization in the development of audiovisual technology. Even though AV technology has become a critical part of daily activities at workplaces and schools, the big picture of AV as a whole is still often lost. What is really important has been forgotten. In particular, schools have…